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Tutor Registration

Becoming a tutor is as easy as three simple steps:

1. Register. Go to the “Register Now” button on our homepage. Follow the steps to create an account. You’ll sign-up for a training session as well as choose a school and day of the week to tutor. Keep your username and password for future login use.

2. Go to the Albuquerque Public Schools website and process a background check. There is a small fee to process the background check, and it takes about two weeks to get a clearance letter in your email inbox. Please print and bring a copy of your clearance letter to your training session and all future tutoring sessions. Here is the link:

3. Attend the training session you signed up for and meet your site coordinator.

ABQ Reads Volunteer FAQs

“I don’t think there’s anything like volunteering [with Reads]. You get as much satisfaction out of it as the kids do.”

- Deb Doxtater, Site Coordinator, Wherry Elementary


“My favorite memory as a tutor was working with a little girl who struggled with her reading skills until about February. At that point, things started to click for her and she made remarkable progress by the end of the school year!”

- Pat Dee, 13-year tutor and ABQ Reads Chairman


“It is wonderful that our kindergarten students get the opportunity to work and read one-on-one with a volunteer. I am excited for the relationships the students will build with their tutors over the course of the year.”

- Chris McQuary, Kindergarten Teacher, Bel-Air Elementary


“I have a passion for reading and appreciate the opportunity to be a tutor. Being able to see my students learn and develop their talents is wonderful. Seeing their progress and excitement as they build their skills and confidence, and knowing the core skill of reading is key in their education and achieving great success, making tutoring a very rewarding experience."

- Christina Jay, tutor